One day Freddie became quite paralyzed; he had absolutely no use of his rear legs. He was able to move around by inching himself forward with his front paws, and he wasn’t in any apparent pain or discomfort. He was just being himself as though there was no problem.
I wanted to help him, but what could I do? Well one early evening I was sitting with him on my deck and all of a sudden, I had a totally spontaneous experience. I had a vision that quickly widened into a feeling---and then into a knowing. Then in a matter of a few minutes, I knew and felt with total certainty throughout all of my senses, that there was absolutely no reason that Freddie would not be completely healed. In that moment of total certainty, Freddie got up and walked around as if nothing had ever happened---never again to return to his paralyzed condition.
Then one day a couple of weeks later, he came home from his daily territorial adventures with one eyelid shut. It remained that way for about two weeks. When it finally opened, I saw that what had been an eyeball now more closely resembled a piece of dead flesh; it had deteriorated probably to the point of no return. I took Freddie to the vet, who gave him virtually no chance of retaining his eyeball. He gave me some ointment and wished me luck. He also advised me of the importance of returning in a few days to have the eyeball surgically removed. I left wondering if he would even survive such a radical procedure. I also worried that he might not survive it anyway; what if it was cancer?
Shortly thereafter, and again, while sitting on my deck with him, the spontaneous vision of Freddie’s perfect health returned to me again. It quickly intensified to the point to where I saw it, felt it and knew it with absolute certainty and clarity throughout all of my senses. His eye immediately began to heal, and was quickly and completely back to normal. It remained that way for the rest of his life.
I must emphasize that this was all completely spontaneous. Somehow it just happened, and it all seemed completely normal and natural at the time. I will also say that even though I was extremely grateful for Freddie’s instant and seemingly miraculous healings, I had absolutely no idea of what had happened---or why it happened. I didn’t think it or plan it or realize that any of it was even possible.
At the time I had absolutely no idea, that the keys to my own healing---and yours too---were contained within this experience.
It took a long, long time before any awareness, any insights of what had happened began to come to me. In fact in November 1988, Freddie quite suddenly went from good health to very ill. Within a matter of a few days, he was dying and I was helpless to do anything about it. He soon passed as I sat there helplessly watching. It was a sad moment indeed; I would have given most anything for another spontaneous healing.
Finally, eleven years after these incidents---by 1991, I had internalized enough to begin to get the message; and I began to heal. What did I learn?
Looking back on it, clearly Freddie had no limiting beliefs about what was possible. He was at total peace and in harmony with his reality, no matter what his condition was; he had no resistance---absolutely none. Animals are not at war with themselves, only humans do that. He was simply a clear channel for the healing to pass through him. After all he was a cat; he was just being himself!
I finally began to realize that all the stress that we feel, in fact, the source of all our problems, is caused by resistance to what is. It is caused by insisting that reality should be different from what it is because it is not measuring up to the imaginary standard that we have in our mind.
Well my imaginary standard was that I wanted my body back; I wanted my life back! And all of my attempts to change or alter or change my condition for the better only resulted in more setbacks and increased levels of frustration; I felt quite helpless.
I remembered Freddie and his complete acceptance of the present moment, no matter what his circumstances were. I finally began to realize that I had to let go of resistance to what is; I had to stop making my condition wrong! Until that time, I habitually made stress and painful low back feelings wrong, and tried to suppress them. You would too; we have all been conditioned to react as such.
From this understanding, I could begin to put the pieces together into a composite whole. I was able to go back and reverse-engineer my earlier experiences with Freddie, and develop a system that became the blue-print for my own healing. I have since shared it successfully with thousands of others; this was the birth of my Breath Alchemy Technique!