Autographed by Bob
Too many people allow themselves to be limited by their ideas about themselves and the world around them. Bob Frissell reminds readers that they create their own reality through their consciousness and that improving this reality and living a fuller life is simply a matter of broadening one's perspectives. In this book, Bob Frissell shows people how to reconnect with their multidimensional selves and remake their lives.
Autographed by Bob
Bob Frissell's follow-up to his popular book above continues to explore the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek as well as new insight into topics and events such as Earth Changes, Hopi Prophecy, The Secret Government, Awakening of Mother Earth and more.
Autographed by Bob
This is ONE book that contains golden nuggets of truth from the world’s most respected authorities as we move beyond 2012 and into the light of the new cycle.
I am proud to be a co-author in Transforming Through 2012: Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm, your resource guide to our changing times. In this collection, thirty-three of the most respected experts share their cutting edge perspectives. My chapter title is The Shift of The Ages.
© 2019 Bob Frisell