Your Higher Self - Your Connection to Source
Your Higher Self - Your Connection to Source
In the Infinite, there is no time, no place, no divisions, no sense of “us” and “them”. Infinite consciousness is the only truth. The heart only knows Unity and Oneness and is thus able to take us beyond the illusory walls of limited perception.
The right brain is our connection to the All That Is; it is holistic, intuitive, experiential, and knows only momentary time, the eternal now. It is able to intuit the Oneness, like a four or five-year-old, looking up at the night sky. The left brain sees dots and does not connect them. It is logical, and is locked into linear time, so it is never in the present moment.
We need both however, and we need them harmoniously working together. The mind looks out at the reality and sees separation; it does not therefore believe in Oneness. It must be shown Unity in a series of logical steps as I have done with you in Nothing In This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are- the 25th Anniversary Edition by showing you the holographic universe through sacred geometry and by showing you how the reality that we think we see “out there” is really a holographic projection of our consciousness.
When the mind (left brain) truly sees Unity, the corpus callosom (neural fibers connecting the two hemispheres) opens up, communication happens, integration takes place, a relaxation occurs and we become whole again. Because mind is now serving consciousness instead of serving itself, we can replace beliefs with intuitive knowing and learn to follow Spirit. The doorway to the heart has thus been opened.
You are the Self-expression of the Infinite; you are the entire universe expressing itself at a single point. Within you is the same presence, knowledge, wisdom and power through which the entire universe was created.
Your Higher Self within you is your connection to Source, and as such, is always in alignment with the infinite perfection of your true nature. It is always bringing forth thoughts of perfection… perfect health, perfect order, the perfect solution to every situation, total abundance and total fulfillment in every way.
But you must claim it in order for it to be so in your reality. You must first be willing to let go of your adult-like sophistication and reclaim your sense of awe and wonder and excitement---your child-like innocence. You must also change your identity. You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience!!
Until you make this declaration, your spiritual essence must flow through the barriers that keep you from the experience and expression of your infinite perfection. It must flow through a consciousness of imperfection - all your limiting beliefs and unresolved emotional issues. It will change its purpose, objective and destination according to the tone of your consciousness.
If it passes through a belief in scarcity, that you do not have enough money to make ends meet, your unlimited potential becomes limited, and it will move Heaven and Earth to make sure that there is that there is an insufficiency of money to meet your needs.
The same holds true for health. In the mind of your Higher Self is the idea for your perfect body as well as perfect health. This idea of perfection is forever expressing itself, sending forth the perfect image into every cell and organ of your body.
But again, the creative energy must flow through your consciousness, and if your mental atmosphere is charged with a belief in sickness, disease and injury, then you will attract this to you.
Declaring your Divine Essence
So, you must claim the truth of your divine essence, that you are a spiritual being. This creates a context that reduces all those barriers, the limiting beliefs, to mere content. In so doing, you open the doorway and allow your connection to Source to come through you.
Then you learn to create a “gap between your thoughts”, where your beliefs no longer affect your reality. Doing so aligns you with universal principles and matches your energy with the energies directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.
Okay, so how do you do this? You do it by discovering as I did, three ideas that are so powerful, that embracing them will completely transform your life, and I do mean completely! Since they are so all-encompassing, I simply call them Universal Principles.
Let’s begin with the idea that you are perfect, but there are barriers preventing you from experiencing and expressing your perfection. That is the Perfection Principle.
And the second has to do with one of those barriers blocking you from feeling and expressing your divine perfection. I call it the Resistance Principle. It says that resistance leads to persistence.
As I said in Something in This Book Is True, “If you try to resist or change something, it will become more solid. The only way to get rid of something is just to let it be. This doesn’t mean to ignore it. Ignoring is actually a form of resistance. To ignore stress, anxiety or anger is one of the reactive minds ways to try to eliminate it. To let something be means to observe it and stay in touch with it, but make no effort to change it.”
The effort to control or change something absolutely ensures its persistence. If you’re angry and try to change it, your anger will persist. If you’re feeling tense and try to relax, you’ll continue to be tense. This is also true for feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, shame, stress, anxiety, impatience, boredom, depression, bitterness, and so on.
The third law is what I call the Harmonizing Principle. It says that the re-creation of an experience makes the experience disappear. Re-experiencing to completion disappears it. To re-create an experience, you get totally in touch with it, you rebuild it element by element until it is entirely restructured and the paradox is, it disappears.
So, using the example of tenseness, you first have to get in touch with the elements of tension. You get in touch with its exact location, its size, shape, color, and especially, you get in touch with what it feels like in your body.
So in order to get beyond quick fixes and symptom masking, you have to get to and eliminate the root-cause of the problem. You have to let go of resistance & apply the Harmonizing Principle to the actual thing itself, which is the feelings that you have been resisting.
If you will stop making war with the feeling of tenseness, stop trying to change it, and make peace with it by just being with it, observing it, and feeling it in a context of acceptance; you would in fact re-create the experience of tenseness and it would disappear.
Trying to change an experience makes it persist. Re-creating an experience---accepting it, being with it, observing it and feeling it---makes it disappear.
Re-creating your thoughts and feelings enables you to disappear them; it allows you to transmute them into the light and truth of your Higher Self. This leaves you with space – space from which to create from your Higher Self. It is the same principle as turning on a light in a previously completely darkened room. Darkness cannot survive in the presence of light; the light transmutes the darkness into itself.
Breath Alchemy is the practical application of the Harmonizing Principle, breaking it down into a step-by-step process (known as the Five-Step Harmonizing Method) that you can use effectively and efficiently to resolve any unwanted condition. It does so by going well beyond symptom masking and quick-fixes and harmonizes the distortion in the base-state; it goes to the root-cause of the problem and resolves it by transmuting the energy at the feeling level, so you end up feeling good again.
We Are in the Midst of a Total Planetary Transformation
Today there is an enormous infusion of higher dimensional energy that is dramatically raising the vibratory rate of the planet and everyone on it.
There is a personal transformation that we must make if we are to survive and thrive, so we can “catch the ride” into higher consciousness and live our sacred purpose.
Those who align themselves with this emerging presence of awakening will experience amazing levels of joy and unconditional love. They will harness the ability to create great abundance while remaining aligned with spirit.
They will find deep inner peace, and be able to make a difference on the planet in a way that enables Mother Earth to reach critical mass and become “lit from within”.
Is this something you want? If yes, you are in a perfect place!
Taking a Journey Down to the Very Core of Your BEING!
The Breath Alchemy process is a powerful shamanic journey where I help you to EMBODY the infinite potential, harmony and abundance available when you connect with your Soul vibration.
You will realize how you ARE the Source. Going well beyond just knowing it; you will actually feel it and embody it.
You will feel your Oneness, freedom and excitement to be alive as you forge an unshakable connection to your inner compass and create a life that reflects who you truly are.
You start moving through your life in a new way, making choices and decisions that are in alignment with your truest self, as you thrive in joyfulness and inner peace.
The words fall short it comes to describing what takes place in the Breath Alchemy process, because the whole intent of this powerful inner journey is to go beyond words and linear understanding of things.
Breath Alchemy is a Journey into the timeless. It is a portal through altered states of consciousness. It is a journey beyond space and time. So, you can claim back the power of your inner knowing, intuition and clarity.
A Note of Caution Here
You can spend years in talk therapy or coaching programs without making real progress, because most of this work stays at the level of the conscious mind.
Yet the core knots of fear, worry or self-sabotage are usually hidden deep in the subconscious.
After all, if you were consciously aware of your limiting emotions, beliefs and thoughts, you would have shifted them by now, right?
Breath Alchemy gives you a gateway to the subconscious part of you that drives up to 90% of your behavior. It allows you to instantly shift things that you weren’t even aware were sabotaging you.
A note of caution here; with any technique that goes to the underlying cause, you want to be sure you’re put your unconscious in the right hands.
Over my 33 years of doing this work, I’ve developed a special technique called The Five-Step Harmonizing Method.
This will give you perfect access to the energetic (feeling level) component of your subconscious mind, thus enabling you to completely bypass your conscious mind and transform limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotions in the most effective and efficient way possible.
From Striving to Thriving
That's when miraculous physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing experiences become possible.
Through Breath Alchemy people have healed chronic illness and pains and that no doctor could help them with... emotional trauma that no therapist could get deep enough to release.
They have silenced those seemingly endless mental loops that had kept them anxious and worried.
And, many have said that the realization of their oneness, divinity and freedom was something that no other meditation or spiritual practice was ever able to offer before.
Of course, the infinite presence of wisdom or pure intelligence of all creation is nothing but your true self, and it's already here. I am simply helping you to remember and experience it. I am here to help you surrender your fears and habitual struggles, and start remembering who you really are and what you are truly capable of.
Breath Alchemy is an incredible experience of coming back home. It brings deep indescribable peace, bliss, and clarity. It allows you to embody unbounded wisdom to guide your whole life towards most empowering, fulfilling, and abundant opportunities.
You'll cultivate a potent capacity to get out of your own way (let go of your mind chatter, past habits, fears, and unhealthy behavioral patterns) and experience your true nature as wholeness, empowered clarity and unbounded freedom.
This new found presence won't be only deeply healing, but it will offer you a great depth of wisdom and guidance, helping you make the best possible decisions, leading you to the fulfillment of your dreams.
Many people call it intuition, psychic knowing or inner guidance. Regardless of what it's called it's a potent essence of your being and it knows exactly the best, most easy, and most abundant shortcuts to what you desire in life. It's just the matter of learning to tune in and listen.
Would you like that?
If yes, then prepare to embark on a potent life-altering journey from the comfort of your home.
If you are ready to Forge an Unshakable Connection to Your Inner Compass, then schedule your free From Striving to Thriving Discovery Call now
In this 30-minute complimentary session you will:
Create a vision for your life that will inspire you to take the first step to move ahead
Identify the true source of your stuckness so you can shift from frustration to focused action.
Get crystal clear on your next step to moving ahead with clarity, precision and confidence
I designate only a few spots for these sessions, so let’s get you going on creating your ideal life. Click below to find a that works for you!